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Tina Teucher
Expert for future competency and sustainable business

Long-term thinking? This demand turns entire industries upside down. After all, customers, media, investors and employees are more and more often asking for it: Who on the market deals in a responsible and sustainable manner? Sales, attention, money investments and talents gush to companies that offer more than just economic value. Time to think ahead! Tina Teucher inspires you to take a brave look at the well-known traders – for success and resilience through sustainability, corporate social responsibility (CSR), sustainability management and social entrepreneurship.

Tina Teucher publishes books and articles on sustainable management, CSR communication and successful transformation. A cultural scientist, Tina Teucher holds an MBA in Sustainability Management from Leuphana University Lüneburg. From 2009 to 2014, Tina Teucher was the leading editor of the decision makers’ magazine “forum Nachhaltig Wirtschaften” (forum CSR). Tina Teucher has been working as a Sustainable Matchmaker to connect future-oriented approaches since 2015. She brings organisations, people and companies together to create jointly the right framework for a truly sustainable economy. She advises companies and institutions on future-oriented changes to their business model, sustainable transformation with entire teams or strategic questions of entrepreneurial commitment.

With presentations in three languages she whets appetite to rethink: In the long run not those are successful who sell the most material but those who facilitate a meaningful life for people. Many good examples from corporations as well as small and medium enterprises (SME) reveal ways how corporate management can be shaped for future generations and how to build up concrete future competencies through social and ecological innovations.

She is particularly fascinated by the holistic solutions of the regenerative economy (ecosystem restoration), circular economy (cradle to cradle, blue economy) and management approaches for sustainable leadership. A world without waste, good work and all-round healthy products not only motivate top performance but also strengthen visions that sound convincing for future generations. Eco? Logical!

Tina Teucher is involved as:

Who is Tina Teucher?


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eew Logo, Energy from Waste
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evonik Logo, Leading beyond chemistry
Fährmann Logo, nachhaltig auf Kurs
Fachhochschule Oberösterreich, Linz
Logo Flächenagentur Baden-Württemberg
fundraising akademie Logo
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Logo Tourismusverband MV; Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
nawi Logo; nachhaltig wirtschaften im Mittelstand
Netzwerk 21 Kongress
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upj Logo
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Logo YES! Young Economic Summit


Team Karin Burger

The “Fine selection of Speakers” by Karin Burger convinces the event industry. The event-experts from Munich direct the Speaker-management for Tina Teucher.

Team Karin Burger

Think Tank 30

The young Think Tank of the Club of Rome is dedicated to societal themes just as future responsibility, sustainability and democracy. Tina Teucher is an active member, for example in the working group AI.

Think Tank 30

Women Speakers

The Women Speaker Foundation is staging experts and practitioners for example Tina Teucher on the topic “Sustainable management and Corporate Social Responsibility” (CSR).

Women Speaker Foundation

B.A.U.M. e.V.

Tina Teucher moderates events for the Bundesdeutscher Arbeitskreis für Umweltbewusstes Management (B.A.U.M. e.V.) such as and is part of the full board.

B.A.U.M. e.V.


Photos high resolution

(ZIP-Folder, 3 MB)

Speaker Card German

(PDF, 1.1 MB)

Total package

(ZIP-Folder, 5.4 MB)

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