Generation Restoration Foundation by Tina Teucher
Tina Teucher’s foundation “Generation Restoration” (GenR) on the bcause platform has been supporting regenerative solutions in refugee camps and settlements since 2023. When speeches and moderations are booked, part of the fee goes towards these projects, which contribute to achieving all 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Foundation for Regenerative Projects in Refugee Camps
What We Stand For
Holistic regeneration: People help ecosystems to regain their (self-)healing power. Healthy ecosystems help people to have a good life.
Regenerative methods such as permaculture, forest gardens (agroforestry) and Miyawaki tree plantations have the potential to help shape humanitarian aid and development cooperation in a meaningful way and make communities more resilient.
This is our contribution to the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030): The restoration of ecosystems improves “ecosystem services”: fertile soils, good harvests and healthy food, clean water, fresh air, a stable climate and high biodiversity.
Our Goals
We support projects and people who apply, promote and scale up regenerative solutions. Worldwide – especially where there are particularly many social challenges, e.g. in refugee camps and settlements. There are already good examples that contribute to achieving all 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and thus combine environmental and social issues. We want to strengthen these in a targeted manner, make them visible and multiply their impact.
- Support and scale grassroots projects. Through funding and visibility.
- Co-creating the “new normal”. Through dialogues and processes with standard setters.
- Develop investment opportunities. Through business models for impact.
What is bcause?
bcause is a Berlin-based start-up founded in 2021 by Felix Oldenburg, Susanna Krüger and four others. They solve a little-understood but socially significant problem: people who want to make a social commitment with their assets often consider setting up a foundation – with a lot of effort and assets that are inflexible and fixed for eternity.
bcause is rethinking financial commitment: with just a few clicks, you can start your own foundation, support verified organisations with donations or impact investments and even finance them together with other users. As a non-profit organisation, donations are tax-deductible. The platform provides the technical and legal infrastructure in the background.
Which Projects does Tina Teucher’s Generation Restoration Foundation support?
YICE: Youth Initiative for Community Empowerment
Regenerative Learning Center: YICE Uganda empowers people, conserves biodiversity, scales up sustainable solutions, and promotes collaboration.
Refugee Empowerment in Uganda through Regenerative Approaches: Rwamwanja Rural Foundation
How can refugees achieve food sovereignty? The team from Rwamwanja Rural Foundation is building better livelihoods with permaculture.
Blog Posts about Generation Restoration
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Title picture: taken for Generation Restoration on an educational trip with Regenerosity and Re-Alliance, 2023.