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Event Moderation – online und live!

Refreshing, charming, inspiring.

A good moderator is like a safari guide: the main characters feel right at home in their surroundings. Tour guides provide orientation and context. Audiences experience exciting new perspectives and leave with the feeling: „I was right in the middle of everything instead of just tagging along!“

As a moderator Tina Teucher enriches conferences, award ceremonies, galas and conferences on future topics. Guest speakers get an ideal stage, participants feel fully involved and get to the heart of their subjects. With Tina Teucher as moderator, everyone gets inspired.

“Courage, community and will power make the future grand.
If it’s not good, it’s not yet the end.”

Moderator for Future Topics & Innovation

Good presenters give an event the right atmosphere, create the perfect stage for the main characters and know how to build bridges. Tina Teucher supports organisers with her experience and a large network of interesting speakers. As a moderator, she safely leads through the day at conferences, meetings, panels and award ceremonies on innovations, trends and future topics.

Moderation on Sustainability and Megatrends

Whether through a lecture on corporate responsibility, a moderation for an innovation conference or through active sustainability communication for a new solution: Tina Teuchers’ enthusiasm for future-oriented innovations is contagious!

Advantages of professionally moderated online events:

  • Reach more people
  • Bring in speakers from all over the world
  • Minimise infection risks
  • Reduce travel costs
  • Emit less CO2 – protect the climate

Online Moderation of Hybrid Events and Online Events

Covid-19 has humanity under control since the beginning of 2020: working from home, rarely meeting people, no events. Monotonous? Doesn’t have to be! The creativity of experienced experts in collaboration with Tina Teucher as online presenter and the Karin Burger team conjures up powerful new event formats on the screens. In hybrid events, some of the people are on site – especially the organisers, main speakers and moderators. The audience is watching from the office or from home. Tina Teucher turns her audience from spectators into participants with activating moderation and the deliberate use of tools. Their toolbox is equipped with a lot of online expertise, lively conversation, improvisational talent, live interviews, audience questions and quizzes, involvement through the chat function and energisers, online tools for more participation, background music and, of course, qualified background knowledge on future and sustainability topics. For example, at the Waldecker Wild Brunch on June 28, 2020 on edible wild plants – see video excerpt: Tina Teucher in conversation with Club of Rome member Prof. Dr. Ernst-Ulrich von Weizsäcker.


“It was great working with Tina Teucher. She provided us with all-round support as a moderator, including in the run-up to the conception of our event. We are super happy with the event.”
Sophia Schneider, Corporate Strategy Department, Alte Leipziger Lebensversicherung a. G., Hallesche Krankenversicherung a. G. and Nastasia Cherepanov, Corporate Strategy Department, Alte Leipziger Lebensversicherung a. G., Hallesche Krankenversicherung a. G.
“Charming and very likeable, good background knowledge, outstanding collaboration.”
Green Cities Conference
“Tina accompanied us very well with her positive and winsome nature: from a classical panel discussion to a dialogue-oriented speed dating. Open and flexible, dedicated and likeable.”
IKEA Germany
“Tina Teucher’s moderation was again so beautifully refreshing and invigorating. Already the introduction to the conference with the very motivating address to all guests was very successful and made you want more. We were very satisfied and received a lot of positive feedback from the around 200 participants.”
Prof. Dr. Maximilian Gege, chairman B.A.U.M. e.V. (1984-2021)
“Focussed and passionate – the discussion was to the point.”
YES! – Young Economic Summit
“Tina Teucher contributed substantially to the great success of our event. We received a great deal of positive feedback.”
Dirk Bösicke, Deutsche Bahn (Project Manager driversity)
“We and our participants enjoyed the in-house moderation by Tina Teucher very much. «As if she were one of us» was a phrase we often heard. The event was a complete success.”
Patricia Siebel, Edding AG
“Tina Teucher was a huge asset thanks to her personality and her concentrated background knowledge on the topic of sustainability, and she contributed greatly to the success of our event. Thank you so much!”
Jutta Schmitt, Tork Essity Customer Marketing Manager Germany, Austria & Switzerland
“Tina Teucher’s moderations for events in the field of construction are an enrichment. With impressive future competence and a charming style, she steers through the complexity of sustainability issues in construction.”
Vagedes & Schmid GmbH
50 Hertz Logo
Logo ALH Gruppe, Alte-Leipziger-Hallesche
Logo Braun
Logo The Club of Rome
Logo DBU, Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt
Logo Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitskodex
Logo Deutsches Studierendenwerk
ebm papst Logo
Logo e-Mission Plattform
Logo essity
fundraising akademie Logo
Global Entrepreneurship Congress Logo
Logo Green Brands
Hochschule Fresensius Logo
Impact Hub München Logo
Logo innocent drinks
Lab concepts Logo
Stiftung Menschen für Menschen, Logo
nawi Logo; nachhaltig wirtschaften im Mittelstand
Netzwerk 21 Kongress
New European Bauhaus Logo, beautiful, sustainable, together
Logo Ökoring & BioRegional; Großhandel
Logo PEG Green
Sirona Dental Logo; Dentsply
Tennet Logo
Tork Logo, Think ahead

Speaker Management: Team Karin Burger

The “Fine selection of Speakers” by Karin Burger convinces the event industry. The event-experts from Munich direct the Speaker-management for Tina Teucher. They are your contact for requests and bookings.

to Karin Burger’s team

Profil von Tina Teucher, Expertin für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften / sustainable business

Tina Teucher - Expert on Sustainable Business

Tina Teucher inspires with moderations, lectures and contributions on corporate success through sustainability, corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainable entrepreneurship. She publishes books and articles on green and social innovations, transformation, biodiversity, energy transition and communication. She is actively involved in organisations and committees such as the whole board of the B.A.U.M. association and networks companies and people for a regenerative economy.

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